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Forfatters billedeDitte Maria Jørgensen


Opdateret: 17. feb. 2021

for at forstå, hvad der sker når din energi bliver aktiveret, er det vigtigt at du overgiver dig til denne process. Læs mere her om viden bag energierne.

Videoen er fra en KAP session - som også er en energi transmission

Energi transmissioner har været i denne verden siden gud skabte den, og man kan se præster, troldmænd, imamer, shamaner og andre der har arbejdet med energier, de har til tider troet de har drevet demoner ud, og jeg kan sige der er få mennesker der har sådan en på sig, og de gider ikke noget guddommeligt eller noget der er kærlighed i.

Så energien kan man bruge til mange ting, men det kræver man forstår hvad man selv er i stand til.... Altså du vil heale andre?? DU skal heale dig selv først... og det kan du ....

Sandskrit - Kundalini - fortalt

"Kundalinî: 'Hun, der er oprullet; slangekraft. Sanskritordet kundal betyder en' spiral 'eller' spole. 'I Yoga sammenlignes denne Shakti med en slange, der ligger i hvilende og sover. Det er den feminine kraft ved rygsøjlens base, der bevæger sig op ad rygsøjlen for at forene sig med den maskuline magt, hendes gemal, Lord Shiva (Shakta), i det syvende chakra, sahasrara ... Det er den urolige sovende energi til stede i tre-og-en- halvdelen, spoler ved bunden af ​​rygsøjlen i en trekantet knogle, Sacrum.

Derfor krydser den seks chakraer for at trænge ind i den limbiske zone og belyse de syv pithaer i hjernen, som er placeret langs den mediale linje i den limbiske zone, begyndende bag på hovedet med Mooladhara Chakra omgivet af Swadhisthan, fulgt af Nabhi, hjertet, Vishuddhi og Agnya Chakra. Disse seks centre kombineres for at danne det syvende .... * Sahasrara er derfor forsamlingen, hvor de seks andre chakraer er et tomt rum omgivet af tusind Nadis. Når lys trænger ind i den limbiske zone, modtager Nadis belysning og ser ud som smukke flammer i syv forskellige farver. Den sidste flamme bliver så hvid som dagen, som den integrerer sig selv. Endelig bliver de andre lys også så klare som dagen. Ved dette afslører Sahasrara Chakra sine tusind kronblade. . * Kundalinis belysning i hjernen, skelner sandheden og forbinder den altomfattende kraft, vital, et hav af viden ... hav af lyksalighed. * En ny dimension af bevidsthed, som den kollektive bevidsthed fører til den guddommelige kærligheds altomfattende kraft.

kærlighed ikke har brug for at være perfekt, Det skal bare være sandt. Og kærlighed er IKKE det, der kommer ud af vores mund, men det er, hvad vi gør, og hvad andre gør mod os .. ting, vi gør, viser det hele.


"Kundalinî: 'She who is coiled; serpent power. The Sanskrit word kundal, means a ‘spiral’ or ‘coil.’ In Yoga, this Shakti is compared to a serpent that lies dormant resting, sleeping. It is the feminine power at the base of the spine, which travels up the spine to unite with the masculine power, her consort, Lord Shiva (Shakta), in the seventh chakra, sahasrara... It is the primordial dormant energy present in three-and-a-half, coils at the base of the spine in a triangular bone, the Sacrum.

.. scriptures, states 3 manifestations.

- unmanifest cosmic energy: Para-kundalini.

- vital energy of the created universe: Prana-kundalini.

- consciousness: Shakti-kundalini, intermediary between othertwo.

* Shakti-kundalini is the link to higher awareness, eternal source of bliss flowing from sahasrara (crown chakra).

- shristi krama (creation), she descends from sahasrara Through the chakras.

- laya karma (absorption), she destroys by ascending and returning to sahasrara.

As Shakti descends to the lower chakras, jagan mohini (world bewilder) causes maya: delusion, limitation, ignorance in material life..grosser.

As kundalini shakti ascends it becomes subtler.. laya-absorption removing the veils of maya evaporate like a mirage.

At sahasrara chakra kundalini merges with Shiva, who is identified with her.

* formless state is consciousness.

* creative form is Shakti, the power of manifestation.

Sankara .. "Saundarya Lahari’:

‘Thou art residing in secrecy with Thy Lord (The spirit) in the thousand petalled Lotus, having pierced through the Earth situated in ‘Mooladhara’, the Water in Manipura, the Fire abiding in the Svadhisthana, the Air in the Heart (‘Anahata’), the Ether above (Visshuddhi) and ‘Manas’ between the eyebrows (‘Agnya’) and thus broken through the entire ‘Kula Path’."

.... Shaktipat is a Sanskrit word for the process of activating the higher Kundalini. Seven chakras (centres of energy). The Kundalini force is said to be sleeping, coiled like a serpent, in the lowest root chakra. When this force is awakened , it begins to rise up through the spine. The awakening occurs through yoga, meditation, breathing exercises etc.,".Kundalini is ‘coiled energy’, a power which lies in three-and-a-half coils in the sacrum bone, Mooladhara Chakra.

The Mysterious Kundalini is the cosmic power in individual bodies. It is not a material force like electricity, magnetism, centripetal or centrifugal force. It is a spiritual potential Sakti or cosmic power.. It has three and a half coils like a serpent. When it is awakened, it makes a hissing sound like that of a serpent beaten with a stick, and proceeds to the other Chakras. The three coils represent the three Gunas : Sattva, Rajas and Tamas. By continuous uttering or chanting Dirgha Pranava ! (OM), real vibration is distinctly felt in Muladhara Chakra.

-A primordial power that is reflected in human being, like many strands of energy, like a rope. This energy is all twisted together to form that Kundalini.

-In a human being the strands are 3 x 7 = 21 Nadis raised to the power of 108. When kundalini rises, one or two strands out of this come up and pierce the fontanelle bone.

-It has to pass through the innermost nadi known as Brahma Nadi. It is a spiral movement throughout. The kundalini is spiral and nadis are also like a spiral.

-The outermost nadi is the right-side nadi, Pingala Nadi. The second innermost is Ida Nadi. She starts sending these threads through Brahma Nadi; by that they relax the centre.

-By relaxing of centre, the sympathetic nervous system also starts relaxing, your pupils start dilating and when it has pierced the Agnya, then the eyes will be completely dilated and shining. Then She enters into Sahasrara.

"The Sahasrara is located in the limbic area of the brain. It is a unique moment entering the Sahasrara.

* The Power of the central channel is the Kundalini which must elevate itself and penetrate into different Chakras, then to enter into the limbic zone and illuminate the candles (Pithas) of these centers.

Consequently, it crosses six Chakras to penetrate in the limbic zone and illuminate the seven Pithas situated in the brain which are placed along the median line of the limbic zone, beginning at the back of the head with the Mooladhara Chakra surrounded by the Swadhisthan, followed by Nabhi, the Heart, the Vishuddhi and the Agnya Chakra. These six centers combine together to form the seventh....

* The Sahasrara is therefore the assembly, the six other Chakras being an empty space surrounded by one thousand Nadis. When Light penetrates into the limbic zone the Nadis receive illumination, appears as beautiful flames of seven different colors. The last flame becomes as white as day as it integrates itself. Finally the other lights also become as clear as the day. By this the Sahasrara Chakra reveals its One Thousand Petals. .

* The illumination of Kundalini in the brain, discern the Truth connects the All-pervading Power, vital, an ocean of knowledge....ocean of bliss.

* A new dimension of awareness, collective consciousness sets in leading to All-pervading Power of Divine love.

To live.....

- is to love To love, is our life source, a spectacular way to get closer to GOD

- to be aware - to be thankful - to be alive - to be loved Just to be - nothing .....Is everything.

I do - I Sayed yes - not knowing to what Only GOD knows why And the plan god is having inside... I rise - I fall - but in the name love I will surrender to all.




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